Block Party!!
The 9th Annual Princeton Block Party is being held tonight in downtown Princeton from 4 - 9 pm. Stop over at our booth #43, we [...]
The 9th Annual Princeton Block Party is being held tonight in downtown Princeton from 4 - 9 pm. Stop over at our booth #43, we [...]
Beyond Sport offers a lot of activities for youth during the summer months, including Wednesday morning archery. Call us regarding our summer kids line up.
Our Student Athletes Program is goings strong! Students from all sports backgrounds come together Mondays through Thursdays to work on strength, endurance, flexibility, speed, accuracy, [...]
Today's schedule: CrossFit 5:15 am, Noon, 5:30 pm, 7:30 pm CrossFit Kids 5:00 pm Project Transform 6:30 pm Beyond Strong 6:30 pm Endurance Camp 6:30 [...]
Here is our class schedule for the day: CrossFit 5:15 am Noon 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm CrossFit Kids 5:00 pm After School Athletes 3:40 [...]
Tonight's the night! We kick off a new martial art tonight. Our 3 day Haidong Gumdo (Korean Swords) Seminar runs 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm [...]
CrossFit 5:15 am, Noon, 5:30 pm, and 7:30 pm Strength:Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3 WOD AMRAP 15 15 Toes to Bar, 15 Push Ups, 15 Box Jumps [...]
Despite the snow, all CrossFit, Beyond Strong, CrossFit Kids, After School Teens, and Endurance Camp are all running on schedule.